We are the patent owners of the
Eco stove technology
We are the patent owners and manufactures of Volcanic rocks and solar powered stoves Branded as Eco stoves. we assemble solar kits for households and solar systems for institutions in Uganda.
The Revolutionary Energy efficient Eco stove was invented in 2011 and the company incorporated in 2012 with the primary objective to increase access to clean energy for both off grid households and businesses.
The Eco stove unique technology aims to provide immediate environmental, health/social, economic and technological benefit by substituting ordinary biomass dependency to Re-usable Volcanic rocks.
Eco stoves mission is to continue in its R&D and ensures to produce the most environmentally, economically- affordable, fuel efficient, and user friendly stove that delivers value for money in addition to providing social and technological benefit to the user.
According to the Uganda Bureau of Statistics, over 85% depend entirely on biomass and mostly used at both household level and institutional level for cooking. At the rate which the population is growing, by 2040, it is projected that the need for energy shall have increased by up to 40%.
According to ministry of water and environment, Uganda’s forest cover has reduced from 24% in 1990 to 8.9% by 2020. This is already having a negative impact on climate change, soil erosion, degradation, mudslides and floods if the projected challenge is not addressed.
The Eco stove technology is therefore aimed at tackling the deforestation challenge faced, by such innovation that will reduce over-dependence on the forest cover and subsequently reverse deforestation with its negative impact on the country’s development trajectory.
Eco Group is the parent company that manufactures Eco stoves among other products as a one stop energy solution company in Uganda which specializes in the manufacture, assembly, distribution, installation, and after-sales service of all its modern yet energy efficient products that make cooking experience clean, safe and enjoyable.

Eco stove

Eco stove
Facility & Capacity

Save More with Eco Stoves
Our Cooking Solutions
We manufacture mobile Eco stoves as well as construct permanent institutional Eco stoves for larger cooking institutions such as training schools, refugee camps settlements, NGOs and hotels
As charcoal and firewood is getting more expensive, while electricity and gas is not easily accessible, Eco Stove is your ultimate cooking solution

Why Eco Stoves
Delivers immediate environmental, Social , Economic, and technology benefits to the user.
* Utilizing Volcanic rocks for heat retention.* The volcanic rocks are re-usable up to two years
* Maximum efficiency provided by using solar and the blower.
* Its clean, neat, and zero smoke while using rocks.
* Its adapted with heat regulators Excellent insulation and comes with one years warrant.
Eco Stoves Impact
Saticfied Customers
2630 +
Trees Saved Per annum
800 k
People Inspired
8 +
Years Experience
10 +
Awards Won
1 M
Eco stove team
Meet Our Amazing Team
Senior Manager
Asiimwe Diana
Head office Manager
Procurement Manager